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Page 21
She shut off the monitor on her computer, leaving the machine at work without a display, and pushed her chair away from her desk. She looked at him, saying nothing. Whatever was on his mind, he would give voice to it soon enough.
"You always have to do things your way," he said, "don’t you, Tess?"
This was so unexpected, so incomprehensible, that she had no answer.
"No one else can be right if they disagree with you. It’s your judgment and only yours that counts. Why is that? Is it because you’re so much smarter than all the rest of us, or do you just think you’re the only one whose intentions are sufficiently pure?"
"I…I don’t know what—"
"You’ve always had this, I don’t know, cowboy streak in you. Black Tiger, for instance. Sometimes I think you actually wanted to go mano a mano with that scumbag. You wanted to be Wyatt Earp at the OK Corral. And last night when you said you were looking for a chance to take down Mobius—you weren’t kidding, were you? You want to be judge, jury, and executioner. You want to make all the rules."
"You basically blackmailed me into including you in the EOC briefing. Said you’d investigate on your own if I didn’t go along. You forced my hand, made me tangle with Tennant—and my relations with him were none too friendly to begin with. And after all that, you still weren’t satisfied. You had to start freelancing. You had to go behind my back, behind everybody’s back. Thanks a lot, Tess. Thanks for fucking me over, big time."
"Gerry, I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about."
"Don’t you? Okay then, I’ll explain." He leaned forward, the chair creaking on its casters. "A half hour ago the mayor of Los Angeles got a call from the news director at KPTI-TV, Channel Eight. The station’s getting set to run with an exclusive report on, quote, ‘a city under siege. Deadly nerve gas in the hands of a psychotic serial killer.’ Does the mayor have any comment?"
"So it got out," Tess said softly, still not seeing what this had to do with her.
"Yes, it got out. And yes, the mayor did have a comment. He spent fifteen minutes begging the station to kill the story. Mayors don’t like to beg, Tess. They like it even less when they beg and come away empty-handed. The story is set to run as a special report in about half an hour. Be sure to tune in. You can admire your handiwork."
"My handiwork?" Suddenly things were coming together.
"We told you we didn’t want the story out there. You put it out anyway. Tell the people—that’s your mantra, right? The people need to know the truth, they can handle it, they won’t panic. Well, maybe they will, maybe they won’t. Thanks to you, now we’ll all get to find out."
"You think I leaked the story…?"
"Oh, gosh. Did I give you that impression?" Sarcasm again. "Well, possibly the thought had occurred to me, seeing as how you made that eloquent plea for the public’s right to know at the EOC briefing."
"For God’s sake, Gerry—just because of that? Because I made a suggestion?"
"No, not just because of that. KPTI knows things they had to have gotten from you."
"What things?"
"The fire in the chemistry lab. And its connection to this case. You were the only one working that angle."
"In case you’ve forgotten, that’s because I’m the one who made the connection in the first place."
Andrus ignored her. "And then you spilled it to a reporter, along with the rest of the story, so it wouldn’t be hushed up. So you could get your way."
"This is crazy. I’ve only been in town twelve days. How would I have any contacts with the local media?"
"Does the name Myron Levine mean anything to you?"
She almost said no, then realized the name was familiar. "TV guy, used to work out of Denver," she said slowly.
"He interviewed you there, as I recall."
"Not exactly. He tried to. I wasn’t interested."
"Not interested in going on the record, anyway. Off the record—who knows?"
"What are you saying?"
"I’m saying, Tess, that Levine is in LA now, and he’s the one with the story, and you knew him in Denver, and it doesn’t take a genius to put two and two together."
"I didn’t talk to Levine. I didn’t even know he was here. And besides, I’m not the only person who knew about the lab."
"Who else knew? Besides me, I mean."
"The cop I was working with." She’d disliked him from the moment she saw him in his cheap suit. "Detective Dodge, West LA. That’s who my money’s on."
"Well, that’s great, Tess. But my money is on you."
"Gerry, you know me…."
"Exactly. I know you. I know that you and Paul Voorhees were more than partners and more than friends. I know what his death did to you. And I know you’ve never been the same. This case—it’s so personal for you, so raw and painful, you’ve lost all perspective. You think it’s just about you and Mobius. You think it’s not a team effort. But it is. And I can’t afford you on the team anymore."
She let a moment pass in the squad room, the silence occupied only by the hum of her computer’s hard drive as the bot continued its search.
"No, Gerry," she whispered.
"I shouldn’t have brought you back in. It was an error on my part."
"It wasn’t."
"I’m sending you back to Denver."
He stood. "End of discussion."
"I’ll protect you as best I can. I haven’t mentioned your name to the mayor or to anyone else. Officially I have no idea where the leak originated."
"It was Dodge, God damn it."
"If there’s an investigation, I’m sure we’ll look at Detective Dodge and any other possible source. And if my suspicions about you are proved wrong, you’ll have my sincere apology."
"I don’t want to leave this case."
"Should have thought about that before you sabotaged it." He moved toward the doorway. "Get out of here, Tess. If you’re not gone in five minutes, I’ll have you removed."
He left, and she was alone.
The door opened again, and she had time to think Andrus was coming back to inflict one more blow. But it wasn’t Andrus. It was the Nose.
"Couldn’t help overhearing the last part of your conversation," he said with a cool, sickly smile.
"It’s none of your business." She got up and slung her purse over her shoulder.
"Probably not. Nothing seems to be my business these days."
She ignored him, but when she tried to leave, he blocked the exit. His smile was gone, and there was pure malice on his face.
"You’ll talk to the media but not your own colleagues. Is that the way it is?"
"I didn’t talk to the media."
"Save it."
"I was under orders not to share any information with you or the other RAVENKIL investigators."
"And you always follow orders. Isn’t that right?"
"In this case I did. I wasn’t eager to share with you anyway."
"No? Why not?"
"Because you’re an asshole."
She took advantage of his surprise to slip past him into the hall, but he wasn’t through with her. He grabbed her by the arm.
"You’re finished, McCallum."
She shook him off and walked away. He called after her, his voice higher and more nasal than usual.
"You think your career was stuck in neutral before this? Just wait."
She kept walking, not looking back.
"By the time we’re through with you, you’ll be lucky to get a post at a resident agency in the fucking Ozarks."
Michaelson’s voice rose to cover more distance as she continued down the hall. She thought of a sheep bleating.
"You’re done. It’s over for you. It’s over."
Had to be Dodge. Had to be.
The thought repeated itself, loud and insistent, as Tess sped north on the San Diego Freeway, toward the Valley and her motel.
/> She wanted to talk to the son of a bitch. Well, not exactly. What she wanted was to wring his neck. But talking would be a start.
She wondered if he was still on duty, or if she could get his home phone number from the watch commander—
Home phone number.
She was still wearing yesterday’s clothes. Reaching into her jacket pocket, she found the snitch card Dodge had given her in the elevator last night.
At Ventura Boulevard she exited the freeway. Idling at a stoplight, she took out her cell phone and dialed the number on the card.
Three rings, and an answer. Dodge.
"You piece of shit," she said.
It wasn’t how she had intended to begin. She’d meant to be diplomatic, clever.
"Not exactly the greeting I was hoping for." Dodge seemed unfazed. "Is this Agent McCallum?"
"You know it is." The traffic light cycled to green, and she started driving again. "Damn it, I never should’ve trusted you."
"Something wrong?"
"Shut the hell up. You know exactly what I’m talking about."
"Afraid I don’t, Tess."
"You talked. You leaked to the media, to Myron Levine of Channel…I don’t know."
"Channel Eight. That’s where Levine works."
"So you admit it?"
"Admit what?"
"Don’t insult my intelligence. You went to Levine as soon as you left the campus, didn’t you?"
"Let me get this straight. You’re saying the story has come out, and Levine of Channel Eight has it?"
"Yes. That’s what I’m saying."
"Did it ever occur to you that in an operation this size, there’s bound to be a leak—maybe a dozen leaks? Anybody could’ve talked."
"Not about the chem lab. The fire. Scott Maple. No one else knew about that. No one but you and me."
"And Winston."
"Rachel Winston, the pathologist. She’s been known to cozy up to the media—or at least that’s the rumor."
Tess blinked. She hadn’t thought of Winston. "Dr. Winston didn’t know the details," she said slowly.
"She knew Scott Maple died of a cut throat in an arson fire. And she knew about Mobius. You mentioned him—remember?"
That was true. But the name itself would have meant nothing to Winston. The killer’s nickname had never been made public or shared with anyone outside the task force.
Still, Winston could have a contact inside the bureau—someone to help her put the pieces together. Or she might have talked to another pathologist, perhaps the one who’d conducted the autopsy on Angie Callahan, Mobius’s first victim in LA."
"You’re reaching," she said to herself.
Dodge assumed the comment was directed at him. "No, I’m not. Winston knew enough to get Levine’s attention. And who knows what other sources Levine might have?"
"Like you, for instance."
"I’m clean, Tess. Really. I take it you’re getting blamed for this?"
"How’d you know?"
"You wouldn’t be so upset otherwise. Well, they’re hanging a bad rap on you—and you’re hanging a bad rap on me."
Maybe she was. She doubted it. She still disliked Dodge. But what he was saying was at least possible.
"Look," he went on, "why don’t we talk about it in person? I’m home now. Won’t be going out again unless I catch a call. Come on over, I’ll fix some dinner, and we’ll discuss it."
Distantly she wondered if this was yet another attempt at a come-on. She dismissed the thought. Dodge was a pig, but nobody was that much of a pig.
Anyway, she needed to talk to him face-to-face. Study his eyes, his body language. That was the only way to know if he was lying.
"All right," she said. "I’ll stop at my motel first, watch the news—there’s supposed to be a special report coming on. Afterward, I’ll stop by."
"Sounds good." He recited his address, and she scribbled it on the back of the snitch card. "It’s in the Hollywood Hills just off Mulholland. Small place, but a view of the city that’ll knock you out. You like linguini?"
She had eaten nothing all day. "I do," she said reluctantly, while her stomach seconded the remark with a gurgle.
"I’ll see you in a while. Don’t worry, Tess. We’ll work this all out. By the time we’re through, you’ll be off the hook—and Winston will be hung out to dry."
We’ll see, she answered silently as she clicked off the phone.
On her way to the motel, Tess picked up a meal at a fast-food place, using the drive-through window. She wasn’t fond of microwaved burgers and greasy fries, but her stomach insisted on immediate satisfaction.
The motel room was stuffy, and because she’d left the DO NOT DISTURB sign in place, it had never been cleaned. She checked the air conditioner and dialed the fan to full speed. Time to get some air moving in here.
The motel chain called the room a suite, which simply meant that the bedroom area was separated from the living area by a partial wall. There was a rudimentary kitchen, as well, but she hadn’t taken the time to stock the fridge or even to fill the ice-cube trays.
She carried the brown bag and large diet soda into the living area, set down her chow on a coffee table before the sofa, then noticed that her nose was runny. Allergic reaction or something. She used one of the grease-spotted paper napkins to wipe her nose, then found the remote control and turned on Channel 8.
The special report was already in progress. A garish logo—BREAKING NEWS: TERROR ALERT—ran along the bottom of the screen. The news anchor was doing a recap of the story at her desk.
"…to repeat, KPTI sources tell us that federal, county, and municipal authorities tonight are searching for a canister of deadly nerve gas smuggled into Los Angeles by a suspected terrorist and now believed to be in the hands of a serial killer. This incredible story was first reported by our own Myron Levine in an exclusive…."
So it was really out. She’d been hoping irrationally for some last-minute miracle, a hold on the story that would at least provide time for an official announcement.
Andrus didn’t understand her concerns at all. Yes, she had believed that the public should be told, but not by a breathless newscaster breaking into Saturday-night programming to deliver a scare story. She’d wanted it done right—a sober statement presented by elected officials in a reasoned, thoughtful manner.
From the start, a leak had been inevitable. The news should have been put out in a way that would minimize panic.
Using the remote, she shuffled through the other channels. A second network affiliate had already picked up the story, the anchor reading an AP wire service bulletin that apparently summarized the KPTI report. Nothing had come on the other stations yet, but she knew it was only a matter of minutes.
Her stomach rolled, reminding her that she still had not touched her meal. She unwrapped the cheeseburger and hungrily tore off a bite.
When she clicked back to Channel 8, she saw Myron Levine doing a live stand-up outside Parker Center, the downtown headquarters of the LAPD. City Hall East, with its underground command center, would have been more appropriate, but Levine might not even know about that.
"…serial killer nicknamed Mobius, who was in Denver two years ago when this reporter was himself stationed in that city. Mobius, known to the media as the Pickup Artist, was responsible for a series of slayings…"
So he knew the name Mobius—the name she’d let slip in Rachel Winston’s presence. Could Dodge possibly be telling the truth? She had no absolute proof he was behind the leak, just a strong suspicion reinforced by an equally strong dislike of the man.
She ate more of the burger, then paused, feeling a momentary shiver of light-headedness. Going without food all day had been a bad idea. She wasn’t feeling so great all of a sudden. But it would pass.
She took a swig of soda, hoping the cold slush of carbonated water would revive her. For a moment it seemed to work. Then distantly she felt a headache coming on.
Levine was probably the reason. Just looking at him, flushed with the triumph of his breaking story, was enough to make her sick. The guy was a weasel, always had been, climbing the career ladder with reckless indifference to journalistic ethics.
Hell, even if she had decided to leak the story, she wouldn’t have given it to that jerk—
A bubble of gas worked its way out of her throat with an audible burp.
God, what was going on with her tonight? She’d gone without sustenance for longer periods than this. Maybe she was coming down with the flu.
The flu…
A low warning thought rose almost to the level of conscious awareness, but before she could focus on it, the KPTI report shifted from Levine to a camera crew doing man-in-the-street interviews at Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica.
"You’ve gotta be kidding me…."
"How do we know what’s really going on? The government never levels with us…."
"You’re saying there’s a serial killer that’s got hold of the stuff…?"
"Is this for real? Are you serious?"
"I’m just…it’s scary…everything’s scary these days, and just when you think it can’t get any worse…"
"I think I’d like to move to a small town someplace and stock up on supplies and just hunker down, you know…."
"I can’t talk to you; I’m looking for my kids…. Marci! Terri! Where are you? We have to go…!"
Tess shook her head. "Thank you, Channel Eight," she muttered. "That’s very helpful. That’s just—"
She wanted to say terrific, but her throat was suddenly dry, and the word died in a croak.
Weird—and now she was conscious of a sick feeling in her stomach, a liquid queasiness that became a dry, pasty taste in the back of her mouth.
More soda. That was what she needed. Too bad there wasn’t some nice Bacardi in it.
She picked up the big paper cup and raised it to her mouth, and her fingers splayed and the cup dropped on the table, spilling its contents.
What the hell?
Myron Levine was back on-screen, but Tess wasn’t listening anymore.
As she stared at her right hand, another shudder twisted through the tendons and ligaments. Her fingers shook briefly.
And the thought that had almost surfaced earlier flashed with full clarity in her brain.